Friday, February 28, 2014


Molang is a fat little chubby Korean bunny rabbit and is my favorite character. This character is actually the idea of a university student named Yoon Hye-Ji. She actually made it to represent sticky korean rice. Molang is featured in diaries, stationaries, mobile phone cases and also some apps.

Here are more informations of Molang:

Molang is a small and lovable animal.
He’s very curious and a big dreamer.
Molang loves to have fun and to make/give/blow? kisses.
But what she loves most is to eat strawberries.
As soon as Molang catches a whiff of this fruit,
its cheeks turn a little pinker and its eyes shine a little brighter.
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Thank You for checking out my blog and please enjoy some of the informations that I got about Molang :).

 Here are some photos of Molang:

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